ATD 273-295

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Please keep these annotations SPOILER-FREE by not revealing information from later pages in the novel.

Page 273

the electric
The Denver Tramway Company, beginning in 1886, operated electric railcars between central Denver and outlying communities. Citation

Page 274

Since Frank is at the moment in Denver, "on Arapahoe" would mean on Arapahoe Street. From the native tribe. Also a county in eastern CO and a scattering of places in US.

Ambushed, betrayed.

after Repeal in '93
Refers to the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890, which required the U.S. government to purchase an additional 4.5 million ounces of silver bullion every month with notes that could be redeemed for either silver or gold. Repealed by Congress after the Panic of 1893 to prevent depletion of the country's gold reserves. Wikipedia entry.

Lake County
Colorado county of which Leadville is the county seat.

Haw Tabor
Horace Tabor, a prospector, businessman, politician, and one of the wealthiest men in Colorado in the 19th Century. Tabor moved to Denver in 1859, later settling in Leadville in 1877. With the wealth he accumulated from his silver mine, Tabor established newspapers, a bank, and an opera house in Leadville (which still stands), and the Tabor Grand Opera House and the Tabor Block in Denver. In 1878, Tabor was elected Lieutenant Governor of Colorado and served in that post until January 1884. He served as U.S. Senator from Colorado for two months in 1883. Tabor ran unsuccessfully for Colorado governor in 1884, 1886, and 1888. In 1893, the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act devastated Tabor's fortune and his far-flung holdings were sold off. He died from appendicitis in 1899, and his legend still persists in Colorado.Wikipedia entry.

The Matchless Mine in Leadville, formerly owned by Horace Tabor. Oscar Wilde visited the Matchless in 1882. The "widow" is Elizabeth Bonduel McCourt Doe, a/k/a "Baby Doe" Tabor, Horace Tabor's second wife (and his mistress before he married her in 1883). Baby Doe and her stubborn retention of the Matchless Mine is another Colorado legend. When Horace Tabor fell ill with appendicitis in 1899, his final request of Baby Doe was that she "hold onto the Matchless." This she did, with tragic results. After living in a shack beside the mine for 36 years, she froze to death one night in March 1935 after she ran out of firewood. Her body was found frozen with her arms crossed peacefully across her chest. After her death, 17 iron trunks that had been placed in storage in Denver were opened, as well as several gunny sacks and four trunks that had been left at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Leadville. All that was left from the Tabor fortune were several bolts of unique, untouched and exquisite cloth, several pieces of china, a tea service and some jewelry, including a diamond and sapphire ring. Baby Doe's story has inspired numerous works, including a movie and an opera by Douglas Moore, The Ballad of Baby Doe. More on Baby Doe Tabor, including pictures of the Matchless and the shack she lived and died in, can be found at these links: Baby Doe;

Zinc Rush
Leadville had "rushes" on gold, silver, molybdenim, zinc...

some bright engineer

Page 275

Molybdenum, which is still mined outside of Leadville.

Wren Provenance


Sons of Heaven section

Page 276

Jennie Rogers's House of Mirrors
Jennie Rogers (1843-1909) was a notorious Denver madam who built the "House of Mirrors" at 1946 Market Street in Denver in 1889 and ran it until her death in 1909. The House of Mirrors embodies the Romanesque architecture of the era, and was specifically designed as a bordello. It was later taken over by the even more notorious Mattie Silks (1846-1929), who operated it until 1915, when it fell victim to so-called "reformers." The House of Mirrors still stands, and today operates as a bar and restauant. (This contributor has been drinking there many times.) More on its history, including pictures, and on the history of Denver's Market Street red-light district, can be found at this website.

dress cavalry helmet

Page 277


thirteenth century

images of creatures

Page 278

the report

Albany... bar mirror

Booth Virbling

Page 279

Bulkley Wells

Ice Saw murder


Page 280

South Pacific islands
Cf Margaret Mead.

Page 281

first city

"Beside the tracks at one bend stood a local lunatic"
Like starting a Disney land ride.

how so? Bleakhaus 14:46, 4 December 2006 (PST)

Page 282

level of hatred
Cf capacitance?

vagging bee

Page 283

Young fellow (Spanish).

Ellmore Disco

when it was still Leadville

Seven-Toed Pete
Seven Card Stud

Page 284

jaconet... tartalan... crepe lissé
jaconet 1.a soft, white, lightweight cotton textile 2. cotton cloth glazed on one side and dyed

Liberty's of London
A famous department store in Regent Street, London, notable for its prints and fabrics. Opened in 1875 in a mock-Tudor building.

Grand Rapids style

"The rooms are furnished in Grand Rapids style. The beds have pallets, but no springs, no Western-style mattresses, no top sheets; maid service consists of dumping a clean sheet and a blanket on the bed, to be made up by the guest." certain hotel rooms in China.


Four Corners Boys

Page 285

million apiece
Current values?'s out with that wackyzacky...

The 'wakizashi' is a Japanese sword - 12 to 24 inches - often worn by a Samurai together with a Katana - another sword - and the two together are then called a Daish or somesuch. Although it would appear that this sword would have sometimes been used during Hari Kiri it is not the normal Hari Kiri weapon. That is usually a short - 6 to 12 inches long - double edged knife/sword called a Tant.'


Trans. belly cutting

What became a ritualised form of suicide in Japan cheifly amongst the nobility. It was sometimes offered to a nobleman as an honorable alternative to execution. A short knife or sword is plunged into the abdomen, drawn through and across the bowel laterally, with a small upwards twist at the end. Now extremely rare in Japan. More commonly referred to by the Chinese name for belly cutting - Seppuku - because eventually the Ritual was seen as being somewhat distastaeful, even dishonourable

Cal Rutan

Page 286

Loomis Disco.

lowland alkali


Page 287

Fried pork skins.

Strings of dried red chiles.

sixty-degree wedges
One-sixth of a pie.

"Por poco te faltó La Blanca"
Translates to "You just missed La Blanca."

Page 288

A city on Colorado's Western Slope. Wikipedia entry.

popcorn snows



Page 289

half a cubic foot
12" by 12" by 6".

Page 290

miner's gad
According to the OED, "1. a steel wedge, 2. a small iron punch with a wooden handle used to break up ore."


trick animal

Page 291

Cf p260.

Mr. Edison's scheme... static electricity

Wetherill's magnet
If electric, that's Kit's domain.

Page 292

Hieronymus Wheel
This may be a stretch but one of the paintings of Hieronymous Bosch is called the Circle of Hell which contains an assortment of odd creatures. As a central image there is a wheel coming out of (or going into) the mouth of a fishlike creature. The reference to hell seems appropriate for Telluride and a Japanese trade delegation in a Colorado bar may suggest the odd creatures. Just to stretch the connection a bit further, there was another Bosch, Robert, a Germany engineer who perfected a magneto ignition device in 1897 that became the standard for creating electrical sparks to start internal combustion engines. The modern Bosch Group is a leading manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology.

While there is most certainly something Boschean about Pynchon's aesthetic, nothing in the context of this passage suggests an association with either the painting described above or the machinist Robert Bosch. Instead, the passage indicates that the term describes a roulette wheel. Neither Google nor the OED recognize the term in any meaningful way, though it may be a back formation from the term "jerry," meaning to tumble, Hieronymous being the latinate form of Jerome. This etymology is still a considerable stretch, but it fits the passage better. For an example of an AtD passage that does conjure Old Master depictions of Hell (of which Bosch painted several), albeit without suggesting Bosch specifically, see p. 210-11, "the first glimpse of Jeshimon . . . . advanced the hour."

German first name. Pronunciation: [diːtər]. Short for Dietrich. A Old High German combination of 'thioda' (ger: das Volk, engl: the nation) and 'heri' (ger: das Heer, engl: the army). Popular male name in Germany after WWII. Outfashioned today Dieter is referred to as comic and/or queer.

Since "Dieter" is "the barkeep" the English word dieter for someone who prescibes a diet comes to mind.


Page 293

"Sumimasen... Bobusan desu... Gonnusuringaa... mottomo abunai desu"
Don't know the rest, but "Bobusan" refers to Bob and "Gonnusuringaa" is likely "Gunslinger."
Translation from e2535:
mottomo abunai desu = "he is extremely dangerous"
Sumimasen = "Pardon me" or "Excuse me"

"Anna koto"

A neologism, I think -- it does not appear in the OED. 'Fulgur' is Latin for lightning, 'fulgurite' being, e.g., according to the OED, "any rocky substance that has been fused or vitrified by lightning. More strictly applied to a bore or tube produced by the passage of lightning into a sandy soil." In this context, "fulgerescence," refers to bright, lightening-like flashes.

"The loss of clarity . . . . in the dark"
See the note for Hieronymous wheel on page 292. This further enhances the Circle of Hell connection for the Hieronymous wheel note above. The painting includes several unknown creatures, including a barrel with legs, while “thrashed about” suggests the central fish monster image of the painting.

Cf., also, p. 221, "Lateral world-sets, other parts of the Creation, lie all around us, each with its crossover points or gates of transfer from one to another, and they can be anywhere, really . . . . An unscheduled Explosion, introduced into the accustomed flow of the day, may easily open, now and then, passages to elsewhere," as well as p. 230, "'Let us imagine a lateral world, set only infintesimally to the side of the one we think we know.'"
Cf., also the transdimensional travel of Buckaroo Bonzai in the Pynchon inspired film, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984), especially the images of 8th-Dimensional creatures that Bonzai sees as he passes through the mountain. IMDB entry.
Cf., further, the notion of a "multiverse," that is, a physical ur-structure, comprised of many, if not infinite universes, of which ours is only one. Several contemporary cosmological theories require that a multiverse exist, though its existence remains highly conjectural. Wikipedia entry.

packing out pyrites
Mining fool's gold.

Japanese samurai sword.

Page 294

Baron Akashi
A Japanese general whose career included spying, but, anachronistically, his career did not begin until 1889. He was a spy in Europe during RussoJapanese War-1900? So would he've been famous even to the lengths of backwoods CO? How much spyin' can a poor boy do if he's famous?

Squirrel and sarsaparilla
Squirrel Whiskey and Sarsaparilla Soda. Squirrel whiskey was so called because it was supposedly so strong it would drive its drinkers up a tree. Sarparilla, by contrast, is derived from the roots of the Sarsparilla tree.

Page 295

summer of '89

Annotation Index

Part One:
The Light Over the Ranges

1-25, 26-56, 57-80, 81-96, 97-118

Part Two:
Iceland Spar

119-148, 149-170, 171-198, 199-218, 219-242, 243-272, 273-295, 296-317, 318-335, 336-357, 358-373, 374-396, 397-428

Part Three:

429-459, 460-488, 489-524, 525-556, 557-587, 588-614, 615-643, 644-677, 678-694

Part Four:
Against the Day

695-723, 724-747, 748-767, 768-791, 792-820, 821-848, 849-863, 864-891, 892-918, 919-945, 946-975, 976-999, 1000-1017, 1018-1039, 1040-1062

Part Five:
Rue du Départ
